Karoline Strys

[Workshop] The Listening Body
// Exploring the intersections on how sound and movement can be perceived
Listening means to perceive sound and is in itself, just as sound, bound to a body. This workshop aims at experiencing sound as kinesthetic event. Starting from questions concerning the specificity of listening, we will delve deeper into tasks in order to enhance our perception on how our auditive and bodily systems merge into one another.
Further, we want to investigate listening, making things audible, resonating with ones own voice(s) and explore how movement is relating when listening – just as a movement – obtains a direction into space. A sound evolves through oscillation and is received or heard via oscillation. In that sense listening is a physical sensation that in itself already is movement. A body of listening evolves.
The research on the Listening Body derives from the interdisciplinary performance project „Gesumms – vom Unerhörten“ that had been developed in collaboration with voice anthropologist Ulrike Sowodniok and presented in different formats and venues.
Karoline Strys is an artist working on the shore of dance, theater and voice. As a choreographer and dancer she is interested in the interlinkage of different fields aiming at creating an art of moving, to move and make move. She is a member of the all-female music ensemble the Psychedelic Choir and co-founder of the make a move collective, a site-specific performance group that is using elements of contemporary dance and Parkour in order to broaden the perception of our daily-life urban architecture. She is further one of the curators of the Profitraining Köln e.V. and a teacher of Contact Improvisation.
[further reading]
Schroedter, Stephanie (2012): “Bewegungen zwischen Hören und Sehen. Denkbewegungen über Bewegungskünste“, Würzburg, Königshausen & Neumann
Sowodniok, Ulrike (2013): “Stimmklang und Freiheit – zur auditiven Wissenschaft des Körpers”, Bielefeld, transcript
Sowodniok, Ulrike: “Die Körper des Stimmklangs – eine Skizze in Bewegung” in „Intercorporeity, Movement and Tacit Knowledge – Zwischenleiblichkeit und bewegtesVerstehen”, Undine Eberlein (Hg.), Bielefeld, transcript
Strys, Karoline (2020): „The Listening Body – (Stimm-)Klang in Bewegung und Bewegung als Klang“, in: Sinn und Sinne im Tanz. Perspektiven aus Kunst und Wissenschaft. Jahrbuch Tanzforschung 2020, edited by Margrit Bischof, Friederike Lampert, Bielefeld, transcript, p. 161-170.